Thank You Sincerely

African Proverb: "The past is history, the future is a mystery, but this moment is a gift and that's why its called the present." I thank you for sharing your presents/presence with me.

Monday, February 26, 2018

"My Mother Said" by Ty Gray El

While we are fighting over the pros & cons of the Black Panther film consider this. More than 50 years ago my mother spoke of the Wakanda’s in Africa when she told me of the splendor in Mali, Songhai, Kemet, Nubia, Benin, etc & etc. And, while she did not speak of Vibranium, she told me that Africa was rich in Titanium, Platinum, Aluminum, Uranium, Palladium, Rhodium, Iridium, Osmium, Diamonds, Gold and Silver.

So as we fight over whether the film was good for us or not, remember these facts. When Europeans were confined to the Caucus Mountains and still thought the world was flat, Africans enjoyed Wakanda. When white men were emerging from the dark ages and thought you could sail off the edge of the earth, African scholars were studying mathematics, science, poetry, music and medicine. When Europeans were afraid of fire, African alchemist were refining gold, silver and platinum. 

Remember, we are not the worse people, we are the first people. #WakandaForever 

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